
Free-Breathing Pediatric Chest MRI: Performance of Self-Navigated Golden-Angle Ordered Conical Ultrashort Echo Time Acquisition

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Manuscript
Authors Evan J. Zucker MD, Joseph Y. Cheng PhD, Anshul Haldipur MD, Michael Carl PhD, Shreyas S. Vasanawala MD, PhD

To assess the feasibility and performance of conical k-space trajectory free-breathing ultrashort echo time (UTE) chest magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) versus four-dimensional (4D) flow and effects of 50% data subsampling and soft-gated motion correction.

Materials and Methods
Thirty-two consecutive children who underwent both 4D flow and UTE ferumoxytol-enhanced chest MR (mean age: 5.4 years, range: 6 days to 15.7 years) in one 3T exam were recruited. From UTE k-space data, three image sets were reconstructed: 1) one with all data, 2) one using the first 50% of data, and 3) a final set with soft-gating motion correction, leveraging the signal magnitude immediately after each excitation. Two radiologists in blinded fashion independently scored image quality of anatomical landmarks on a 5-point scale. Ratings were compared using Wilcoxon rank-sum, Wilcoxon signed-ranks, and Kruskal–Wallis tests. Interobserver agreement was assessed with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC).

For fully sampled UTE, mean scores for all structures were ≥4 (good-excellent). Full UTE surpassed 4D flow for lungs and airways (P < 0.001), with similar pulmonary artery (PA) quality (P = 0.62). 50% subsampling only slightly degraded all landmarks (P < 0.001), as did motion correction. Subsegmental PA visualization was possible in >93% scans for all techniques (P = 0.27). Interobserver agreement was excellent for combined scores (ICC = 0.83).

High-quality free-breathing conical UTE chest MR is feasible, surpassing 4D flow for lungs and airways, with equivalent PA visualization. Data subsampling only mildly degraded images, favoring lesser scan times. Soft-gating motion correction overall did not improve image quality.